Presentation Guidelines & Prizes
The SRT Poster Competition is supported by numerous British Subspecialty Radiology Societies who judge and sponsor prizes. Click here to view our abstract prizes, thanks to our poster competition sponsors.
Eligibility Criteria:
Radiology Trainees, Junior Doctors (any specialty) and Medical Students are eligible to submit their posters for consideration of poster or oral presentation at #SRT2024.
** Only UK or Ireland-based, in-person conference attendees are eligible for the Best Poster Prize #SRT2024 **
Submission deadline: Friday 26th April 2024 at 23:59.
Poster Presentations
The title of the poster should be the same as the title on the submitted abstract.
The first or second named author of an abstract/poster must attend the SRT conference for your poster to be displayed and to receive a certificate.
​Please design your poster on A1 sized LANDSCAPE.
Please include references and relevant affiliations in your poster.
If your abstract is accepted, further information regarding poster submission will be provided via email. In-person attendees are required to submit an electronic poster by Friday 26th April 2024 AND bring a physical poster to display at the conference. The venue has no printing facilities and The SRT are unable to help with printing.
Online conference attendees (outside of the UK and Ireland) are required to submit an ePoster only by 26th April 2024.
By submitting a poster, you are agreeing for it to be displayed on SRT Platforms such as the SRT Conference platform, website and social media.
Oral Presentations
Prepare a 6-minute presentation with 2 minutes for Q&A. Exceeding the time limit will affect your score.
Further details will be provided closer to the conference.
Please do not submit oral presentations that have been presented elsewhere, as these will not be accepted or awarded.
Please note that all submissions are subject to proof reading and editing, and we may ask for rectifications before accepting an abstract or poster. We reserve the right to reject your poster should it not meet the standards suitable for presentation – this includes posters that display confidential information, contain erroneous or fabricated text/images, or do not adhere to the guidelines.
All prize winners will be announced during the conference closing ceremony. Decisions made by the SRT Committee and judges are final.